After setting up a new Ubuntu 17.04 system with Android Studio 3.0 Canary 1, I wasn't able to launch the Android emulator. The console error message showed:
Emulator: libGL error: unable to load driver:
Emulator: libGL error: driver pointer missing
Emulator: libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
Emulator: libGL error: unable to load driver:
Emulator: libGL error: driver pointer missing
Emulator: libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
Emulator: libGL error: unable to load driver:
Emulator: libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
Emulator: X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Emulator: Major opcode of failed request: 155 (GLX)
Emulator: Minor opcode of failed request: 24 (X_GLXCreateNewContext)
Emulator: Value in failed request: 0x0
Emulator: Serial number of failed request: 39
Emulator: Current serial number in output stream: 40
Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1
It looks like there is an open defect to track the issue. In the meantime, the fixes that worked for me were:
Option 1
cd ~/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/libstdc++
ln -s /usr/lib64/
Steps above must be repeated for each emulator update.
Option 2
Instead of manually removing the bundled libs on disk, there is a flag called -use-system-libs
. Although, I didn't see it exposed through the Android Studio UI.
~/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator @Pixel_XL_API_25 -use-system-libs
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